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RT @MartinDaubney: FABULOUS story>> “This man rode the Tour de France route on a Raleigh Chopper” @TelegraphMen
RT @AllyFogg: Wrote this, which I’d be pleased if you read >> Manchester should honour its homeless protesters, not evict them |
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A new report published yesterday showed that 10 men a month are dying during or after police contact in the UK. So why did nobody notice? Is it because they are men, asks insideMAN’s Glen Poole…….. …
Nine out of ten victims of police-related deaths are male. Who cares? – insideMAN
Why does nobody care that it’s mostly men and boys who die during or after contact with the police, asks insideMAN news editor, Glen Poole?
Check this out from insideMAN’s Dan Bell in today’s Telegraph Men… …
We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology
Feminist organisations, backed by government policy, are teaching young boys at school to feel guilty and ashamed of their gender, writes Dan Bell
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