The dad blogger JD is a stay-at-home dad to twins Jake and Ellie. Here he writes about their ability to overcome obstacles in support of a…
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RT @GroundworkLeeds: Support men suffering from #depression & #health problems. Check out our @meninsheds1 campaign http://t.co/nilPLnGnVz http://t.co/0q2D2Mq82L
RT @CliveMaxheath: In time for the #MayPac fight my #Boxing rites of passage article is now up on the @insideMANmag website. Enjoy. http://t.co/2GHI34lzg8
RT @dadbloguk: @insideMANmag Read about the ‘Rise of the alpha dad’ A Great article about stay at home dads in today’s Times mag http://t.co/JhZtVsXPfs (£)
Latest Facebook Posts
On the eve of the Mayweather v Pacquiao fight, Clive Maxheath of The MAP – Mens Action Project: ‘Men who Walk their Talk’ shares his own experience of stepping into a boxing ring for the first time……worth a read (and you can also watch his fight for free!) …
One man’s story of taking up boxing at the age of 32 – insideMAN
On the eve of the Mayweather v Pacquiao fight, Clive Maxheath shares his own experience of stepping into a boxing ring for the first time.
From public urinals, to regulations around strip searches in prisons, society is far less concerned about invading men’s bodily privacy than women’s. Professor Damien Ridge believes this also says something much deeper about attitudes to male disposability in general. …
What urinals tell us about a man’s right to bodily integrity – insideMAN
From public urinals, to regulations around strip searches in prisons, society is far less concerned about invading men’s bodily privacy than women’s. Professor Damien Ridge believes this also says something much deeper about attitudes to male disposability in general.