This week the news leaked out that Chuck Palahniuk is working on a sequel to his…
If men who eat meat are generally considered to be more masculine by both men and women, perhaps it’s not surprising then that women…
Men who grow up fatherless or lack a close relationship with their father face an uphill struggle when…
UK girls are being flown to Kenya to have their genitals mutilated but the British have no moral…
I’m writing this as a Methodist minister who happens to be gay. In many ways I find myself one of the most unlikely gay rights activists…
A new book from Scotland called On Being A Man aims to confront some of the…
When 80% of people killed in the Gaza airstrikes are male, why is no-one talking about gender asks Glen Poole? A total of 172 men, children and…
OK, look, there are issues with this. We realise that. But it’s still bloody brilliant. It’s also Friday afternoon so don’t pretend…
Photo courtesy: Cristian Stefanescu A few weeks ago I got chatting to…
How good are the world’s best female footballers? Could an average team of blokes beat a professional women’s team? That’s the question…
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Men are far more likely than women to have their benefits stopped for unfair or unjust reasons, a survey by a UK-wide food bank charity strongly suggests. Why doesn’t anyone even seem to want acknowledge the fact, let alone do something about it? …
Men more likely than women to be cut off benefits due to “cruel” and “unfair” reasons, survey…
Men are far more likely than women to have their benefits stopped for unfair or unjust reasons, a survey by a UK-wide food bank charity strongly suggests….
From The Office, to In The Thick of It, ‘Biz Speak’ is regularly lampooned for its idiocy and pretentiousness. But it’s also used as a form of control, a way of obscuring reality, rather than revealing it. Here Karl Coppack explains why the abuse of language is far worse than abusive language. …
Why you can shove your office Newspeak right up your Memory Hole – insideMAN
From The Office, to In The Thick of It, ‘Biz Speak’ is regularly lampooned for its idiocy and pretentiousness. But it’s also used as a form of control, a way of obscuring reality, rather than revealing it. Here Karl Coppack explains why this abuse of language is far, far worse than abusive language.