MP Mark Pritchard has called a review of the law on anonymity for people accused of rape after police dropped an inquiry into allegations against him,…
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RT @costyy2k: Thank You Technology – So thankful Ik a working Dad today and not 20 years ago. http://t.co/Jn8bSYQ4mT #dads #parenting
RT @ideas4dads: Check out my post on: ‘My Top 10 Fears of Having a Vasectomy!’ http://t.co/YL2R6msFRD #pbloggers #parenting #dads
Great #MenBehavingDADly article from @The_dadventurer—Five people I really hate now I’m a dad! http://t.co/TSCox6zo9p
RT @DrEvanHarris: At Fabians Margaret Hodge attacks “beer-bellied” male union leaders. I think for not being thin women. Channelling Katie Hopkins? #Fab2015
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UK daddy blogger, The DADventurer, used to think he was the kind of men who didn’t let much get to him…….and then he became a dad and discovered there are five people he really hates………… …
Five people I really hate now I’m a dad!
UK daddy blooger, used to think he was the kind of men who didn’t let much get to him…….and then he became a dad!
From men behaving badly to MenBehavingDADly, great interview with Simon Nye’s whose new film explores the journey from lad to dad…………. …
Simon Nye interview: what happens when lads become dads? – Telegraph
The creator of Men Behaving Badly, Simon Nye, speaks to Glen Poole about growing up, being a parent and his new film about fatherhood
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