Take a look this YouTube clip of Irish poet, Stephen Murphy, delivering a passionate plea to women who are sexist towards men. Thanks to Darach Murphy for making insideMAN aware of Stephen’s work.
—This is article #31 in our series of #100Voices4Men and boys
“I say this as a man……” says the poet Stephen Murphy before launching into a passionate, poetic plea for men and women to end the gender war.
It’s the opening line in his poem Mac Tire (the Irish term for wolf) in which he declares “some hardcore factions have completely lost the plot,” from “misogynistic pricks” and “emasculating zealots”.
Murphy is particularly concerned about the “depiction of all men as the mortal enemy” and makes a personal plea to women who hate men saying:
“To think that just because I’m a man I’m therefore horrible
is really quite a weak
example of the equal opportunity you seek
because hating me for being a man is just as much an affront
as me hating every Englishman for Cromwell being a….
terrible individual and an habitual psychopath.”
Ease up on the venom!
Murphy is also worried about the impact that negative attitudes towards men could be having on the next generation and signs the poem off with this thought:
“The next time that you slate us all for the next thing we’ve done
I ask you not for me at all, but more just for my son
to ease up on the vitriolic venom in your tongue
and please just try to realise that we live and die as one.”
You can see Stephen Murphy delivering the full poem in the YouTube clip below:
—Picture credit: Flickr/Mai Le
To find out more about Stephen Murphy and his poetry visit his “sleeping warrior” website or follow his facebook page.
You can find all of the #100Voices4Men articles that will be published in the run up to International Men’s Day 2014 by clicking on this link—#100Voices4Men—and follow the discussion on twitter by searching for #100Voices4Men.
The views expressed in these articles are not the views of insideMAN editorial team. Whether you agree with the views expressed in this article or not we invite you to take take part in this important discussion, our only request is that you express yourself in a way that ensures everyone’s voice can be heard.
You can join the #100Voices4Men discussion by commenting below; by following us on Twitter @insideMANmag and Facebook or by emailing insideMANeditor@gmail.com.
http://redpilluk.co.uk William Collins
http://malepsychology.org.uk/ John Barry
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