Karl Coppack, of The Anfield Wrap, on the terror and emancipation of being forced to leave a job you can’t stand.
Reporting what happened in World War One won’t make a difference unless we also take time to reflect, writes Glen Poole. I spotted a fascinating article in…
Young women’s voices are at the forefront of our cultural conversation around gender issues. From the banning of Robin Thicke’s ‘Blurred Lines’ by university student unions, to…
Men’s Insights Karl Coppack, AKA The Cenci from The Anfield Wrap, remembers the game no fan forgets — his first
Karl with his dad in the pub. Circa 1987, Karl still with a jaw line. Karl Coppack, AKA The Cenci from The Anfield Wrap, remembers the game… -
Men’s Insights, Men’s Issues, Uncategorized How brain science is proving the ancient importance of fathers. (Or, How Babies Bend Men’s Brains…)
Duncan Fisher, former CEO of the Fatherhood Institute and founder of MumsandDadsNet, explains why the equal importance of mums and dads isn’t just a matter of opinion… -
Mike Payne works with people who are living with the hidden wounds of armed conflict. Here he explores the psychological damage that war does to…
Scott McLelland pays tribute to his dad and wonders what he would say if he could see him one more time. —This is article #40 in our…
Men’s Insights This is what war is still doing to young men and why you don’t know about it (Warning: graphic images)
Injured First World War soldier Image: Queen Mary’s Hospital, London I worked as a journalist for one of the country’s leading news websites for four years during… -
No-one bothers to ask what conscription-age boys think about the gendered slaughter of WW1. So we…
Well, we were in Brixton, and if there’s one thing I know about Brixton, it’s that you never have to wait too long until something kicks…
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RT @PatrickStrud: Thank you so so much for all your lovely, compassionate responses to this: http://t.co/fLaBhA2ebx
RT @CHSommers: Just out! New Factual Feminist: Are Men Inferior to Women? Let’s check the data. http://t.co/wtcer4CuzJ
RT @PeterTatchell: Meet Britain’s first parliamentary candidate to declare his HIV-positive status before being elected http://t.co/paO1hJ278B @Juvelad
RT @OwenJones84: So MPs watch porn. Who gives a toss? Me on whether we want MPs to be machines or human beings http://t.co/k0ZtZTkbTN
RT @djm4: My friend and Lib Dem PPC for Vauxhall @juvelad, in a very brave conversation with @PatrickStrud: http://t.co/iQYY0VZVjn #hiv #mentalhealth
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On Friday the Independent posted an article demanding “white men should never hold elected positions at British universities again”. Many people’s initial reaction was to check if it was April 1st already. But Spiked Online writer, Ella Whelan, says that from her experience at university, these attitudes are in fact far from uncommon.
What do you think? Should we ignore prejudice against male students as just the wrong-headed attitudes of an extreme minority? Or is this disdain for young men on campus something we should take far more seriously? …
Hatred of young men on campus isn’t just made up for click-bait headlines, it’s real – insideMAN
On Friday the Independent posted an article demanding "white men should never hold elected positions at British universities again". Many people’s initial reaction was to check if it was April 1st already. But Spiked Online writer, Ella Whelan, says that from her experience at university, these atti…
Kenny D’Cruz leads men’s groups — spaces where men from a multitude of backgrounds come together as men to explore who they are and who they want to become. The key, he says, is knowing when to ask the right questions… …
Why I asked the ‘Newsweek’ journalist when he last ejaculated – insideMAN
I spent many hours chatting to Newsweek journalist Finlay Young, even before he joined in one of our men’s groups. Fin had asked if he could meet…
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